It wouldn’t be an Active Arts Holiday Workshop if there wasn’t a chance for our kids to leave their mark. We’re all about fostering creativity and self-expression in a positive environment, and this free-form art session with a twist never disappoints!
This graffiti session is just one component of our busy 4-day schedule that includes rock climbing, trapeze, jiujitsu, dance, drama, outdoor sports, games and more! We love this activity because it allows our workshoppers a little bit of downtime from all the super energetic activities and a chance to explore their arty side.
Paint palettes are filled with a range of colours that are bright and bold – just like our students! They’re then given free rein to paint what their heart desires – whether it be an intricate portrait, geometric patterns, a nature-inspired picture, or, my personal favourite, this piece of art that shows the support, community and equality of our awesome students.
Painting by Ruby O. (Active Arts January 2017 workshop)
Our workshop leaders and assistants help out by refreshing water and giving guidance where needed – oh, and cleaning up the occasional paint splosh on the floor 😉 I’m always so impressed by how considerate and collaborative our workshoppers are as they help each other mix the perfect colour, or work together on creating their next masterpiece.
Our art session is a great chance for our busy workshoppers to express themselves, chill out, build friendships, and groove to some music in between!
And best of all, they get a lasting memory of their time at the workshop and this beautiful moment in their life. Our students love looking back on their paintings from a few years back and seeing how far they’ve come, and I love the energy that this communal artwork brings to our studio space.
Of course, after a while, we run out of space and have to start over. You can read about the first time we had to repaint our wall here. It was a bittersweet moment – losing all the paintings from our earlier years, but knowing that it was creating space for the next generation of expression and creativity.
I can’t wait till our next workshop to see what gets added next. Either way, I know it will be totally unique, and oh-so us!
If you’ve got a budding artist that’s looking to upsize their canvas, you can learn more about our next Active Arts Holiday workshop here!
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