We’re proud of our team of strong, intelligent and creative teachers at Dance Domain. Their passion for teaching and their care and dedication for their students is evident in every moment of their classes.
Read on to find out a little bit more about our inspiring teachers and studio team members.
When did you start dancing?
I started dancing when I was 3 years old. My first performance was to the Bananas in Pyjamas theme song.
What is one of your future dance goals?
When I’m a lot older, I would love to still be able to do the splits. Everyone needs a party trick!
What do you love most about teaching at Dance Domain?
The students at Dance Domain are so positive and open to learning! It makes teaching a fun and challenging class so much easier!
What is your favourite dance memory?
Tough one… probably dancing in the USYD 2013 Major Showcase. In particular Elena’s choreographed piece where I first met Elena, Lydia, Sarah, Alice and Shanni!
Do you have a favourite dance move or combo?
What do you love most about teaching at Dance Domain?
The students! Everyone is so bubbly, eager to learn, love dance, and just generally happy. It’s a great environment to teach in.
When did you start dancing?
Does the Jane Fonda workout count? If so 2, if not 3 (1 year is a big deal when a tot!)
What is your favourite style of Dance?
I have different favourites for different moves, but ballet will always be my first love!
What do you love most about teaching at Dance Domain?
The vibe! And my beautiful students!
What is one of your future dance goals?
Get better! I’d love to continue exploring how dance can be used to connect and build community with diverse groups of people. I’d also love to choreograph for a short film or theatre show.
What is your favourite style of dance?
Hip hop, Lyrical, and World Dance styles such as Dancehall and Tahitian. I love the variety in dancing- happy to give anything a go!
What do you love most about teaching at Dance Domain?
I love the fun, relaxed atmosphere at Dance Domain. The students are enthusiastic, creative, and hilarious. And I really like all the artwork on the walls- that makes it such vibrant, beautiful place to teach!
What is one of your future dance goals?
As a dancer, to never stop – like to be one of the 70-year-olds that’s still kickin’ it. Maybe there will be some kind of low-impact aqua ballet in the future – if there is I’ll be there!
What inspires your choreography?
Songs that make you feel things you can’t explain in words.
What do you love most about teaching at Dance Domain?
I love the focus on fun, creativity, and inclusivity in dance. We can have a laugh in class but still strive to improve technique. It’s a healthy balance.
What style of dance do you teach?
I’m assistant studio manager at DD, so I don’t teach but I have style when I carry out my admin work 😛
What is your favourite dance memory?
This is such hard question but I would say that dancing as Alice in School Spec was definitely a highlight. Also dancing Elena’s choreography to Bjork’s ‘Pagan Poetry’ when I was 10 (I think)- that was such a cool dance.
What do you love about working at Dance Domain?
I love working at Dance Domain because it never feels like a job!
Everyone is so eager to help and support each other, and there is a great atmosphere of individuality & community. You can bring yourself and your creativity into whatever it is you’re doing for Dance Domain. I love collaborating with Elena, the teachers, and the students! They always have great ideas and are super enthusiastic when it comes to studio management.
What is your favourite dance memory?
As a dancer: performing on stage and doing dance after dance and just loving it. As a teacher: watching my students perform their hearts out at a concert makes me so proud.
What do you love about teaching at Dance Domain?
The positive attitude, the amazing strong women that run the studio and the fun that all of the children, parents and teachers have together.
When did you start dancing?
Very adorable ballet at 5 yrs old.
What is your favourite dance memory?
Getting up on stage with the whole of Dance Domain and being hugged by all of my students.
What is one of your future dance goals?
To place in an eisteddfod with my sister Emily 🙂
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