1-7 Unwins Bridge Rd, St Peters NSW 2044


…the strongest memories of dance aren’t about what happens on stage – its about what happens on show day… Keen to dance on stage? Find out about our adult dance performance courses!

Adult dance performance courses

the DD Amazing Race – stories from the finish line On a beautiful spring day in September, 25 members of our awesome community took up the challenge of DD SRC’s Amazing Race… Sydney Park didn’t know what was coming. We started by organising teams and setting out the ground rules, all while our fabulous SRC […]

The DD Amazing Race – Stories from the Finish Line

the latest amazing event from the dd src! Fresh off the success of last term’s event, DD Up Late!, the DD SRC have wasted no time in scheming up an AMAZING new event for term 3… Do you love a challenge and working in a team? Get your sense of adventure ready and your thinking […]

The latest AMAZING event from the DD SRC!

The Dance Domain clothes swap shop in action!

At Dance Domain, we’re all about giving our student’s the opportunity to create, lead and inspire others, and today’s Brag Book focuses on one particular student who has done just that… and all at the ripe old age of 10! In this edition, you’ll find out how one student decided to lead her own #waronwaste […]

DD Brag Book #2: Mirabel’s War on Waste!

Meet the DD SRC! A team of talented and passionate students that are going to make 2017 the biggest year yet for Dance Domain!

Introducing your DD SRC Reps for 2017!

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